Dalton Junior High School Students Commit to Georgia REACH Scholars Program

DALTON, GA — Dalton Public Schools is proud to announce that a new class of eighth-grade students from Dalton Junior High School has been officially signed as Georgia REACH (Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen) Scholars. Laycie Nicholson, Samuel Gabriel, Guadalupe Ramos, and Ives Quintero are the district’s 9th class of REACH Scholars, marking an exciting milestone in their academic journey.

In addition to celebrating this year’s new Scholars, Dalton Public Schools recognized its 2024 REACH Graduating Scholars: Aracely Calderon, Tasia Del Rosario, Angel Escobar, and Kendrix London. These exceptional students exemplify the program’s mission to increase academic persistence and achievement among Georgia's most promising middle and high school students.

Launched in 2012 by Governor Nathan Deal as part of the Complete College Georgia Initiative, the REACH program offers a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500/year) to students who successfully complete program requirements and graduate from high school. This scholarship can be used at any HOPE-eligible institution in Georgia, with many colleges matching or double matching the award. The scholarship is provided in addition to other grants or scholarships, easing the financial burden of pursuing higher education.

To remain eligible, REACH Scholars must uphold high academic standards, stay drug and alcohol-free, maintain excellent attendance and behavior, and develop educational and career plans.

“Programs like REACH make a significant impact by investing in the potential of students who show academic promise and resilience,” said Steven Craft, Dalton Public Schools Superintendent. “We are thrilled to see these students grow and achieve their dreams through this program.”

The success of this initiative is made possible through the generous support of local sponsors, including Mark and Laura Orr and Harrison Stafford with Georgia United Credit Union. Dalton Public Schools extends heartfelt gratitude to these community partners for their commitment to student success.